Monday, April 27, 2009

World Cup Rape Culture Heroes

South Africa hosts the World Cup next year. South Africa is the worst country in the world for rape. Not even close. Rape is systemic, men view it as a right. FIFA doesn't care about women. Women are treated worse than animals. The size of the problem and the horrible amount of pain, suffering and fear women in South Africa live with (2 out of 3 girls born today will be raped during their life) is beyond comprehension. It is amongst the most humiliating and degradating places on earth for poor women. Clearly FIFA does not care about womens rights and safety. Selecting this depraved place as host is a large blackmark. Even for the money grabbing FIFA this is inexcusable.

BOYCOTT the South Africa World Cup if you care at all about women.

FIFA feting South Africa and posturing that this is a modern, free land is a joke.
The land of South Africa does not care about rape and woman's rights. By endorsing them as host neither does FIFA. What an embarrassment for right-minded footie fans everywhere.